again everyone! I have some exciting new books to share with you! The first is
a facsimile edition of William Turner’s A New Herball. This was first
published in its first part in 1551, the second and third parts coming later. A
New Herball is “the very first genuine attempt to identify scientifically,
in English, the plants which were of medical use to everyone.”[1] (I
strongly encourage students to borrow this book from our library sometime and
thumb-through its beautiful illustrations!) I was able to get a lot of good
information from this book. As I found out, late medieval doctors were having
some of the same trouble that I’ve run into when tracking down sources for our
herbal: They could not read Latin fluently. They could not benefit directly from
the masters of ancient times, and so they had to rely on word-of-mouth.[2] The
need was becoming greater and greater for a compilation of plants’ identification
and medical uses, in English, that one physician and botanist finally composed
The editors also urge us to think of the potential dangers of someone
administering medicine or care without knowing what exactly they’re doing![4]
this book contains precise descriptions of the plant, and then how to prepare a
remedy. For example, “the juice [of oregano] drunken with wine will remedy the
bitings of serpents.”[5]

second book I have is more ‘just for fun’ although it does tie in nicely to the
uses of a medieval garden. The Goodman of Paris was “a rich French landowner” who
compiled a little book for his new wife of 15.[6] Included
in this was a book of recipes, which Maggie Black has modernized (exact
measurements and cooking times were not included in the 14th
century) and one of which I include here!
fun making this dish from the Middle Ages and I’ll see you later at the
Heraldic Garden!
1 ¼
lbs firm-hearted cabbage or 1 ½ lbs
open-hearted cabbage or spring greens
oz. onions, peeled and finely chopped
oz. white part of leeks, thinly sliced into rings
dried saffron strands
½ teaspoon
¼ teaspoon
each ground coriander, cinnamon, sugar
3 ¼
cups chicken or vegetable stock
Goodman of Paris has quite a lot to say about cabbages, from the small spring
shoots for salads, to the frost-bitten winter leaves; only his recommendation
to boil cabbages all morning is best ignored when dealing with a modern
This recipe will make a main-course
soup for supper if you add sippets of toast and fried bacon--both well-known
medieval additions.
If using a firm-hearted cabbage, cut
it into eight segments and remove the center core. If using open-hearted
cabbage or greens, cut off the stalks and cut the leaves into strips. Put into
a large pan with prepared onions and leeks. Stir the saffron, salt and spices
into the stock, adjusting the amount of salt if required. Cook gently, covered,
for about 20 min. or until segments of firm cabbage are tender,”[7]
[1] Chapman,
George T. L., Marilyn N. Twedle, eds. William Turner A New Herball, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
[4] Anne
Van Arsdall stresses the importance of “the unwritten text” in apprenticeship
traditions to the practice of medieval medicine. Van Arsdall, Anne, “Reading
Medieval Medical Texts with an Open Mind.” In Textual Healing: Essays on Medieval and Early Modern Medicine Ed.
Furdell, Elizabeth Lane, Koninklijke; Brill, 2005. I wonder if the rampant
danger caused by this was itself caused in large part by the exclusion of women
from the practice of medicine.
[5] Chapman,
George T. L., Marilyn N. Twedle, eds. William Turner A New Herball, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Black, Maggie, The Medieval Cookbook,
Los Angeles: Getty Publishers, 2012.
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